That’s right! I’m, coming at you with some of my absolute favourite cooking hacks that save me time, money and my sanity when I’m having a busy day and don’t want to spend hours cooking healthy, nutritious food!
I picked up these hacks from my time growing up in the kitchen with my mum, and through my favourite meal delivery service Hello Fresh! These hacks are simple, easy and time saving and I use them daily.
I love to dice up my vegetables in small cubes because they cook so much faster in the oven! Plus they're so much easier to re-purpose in different meals the next day!
Did you know you can peel garlic in about 2 seconds! I love garlic, so I use it in almost all of my dinners. The best hack I ever discovered through Hello Fresh is to put a few cloves into a jar, seal the lid and then shake away! It peels the skin straight off your garlic cloves.
I cut all my herbs with kitchen scissors!! It's so much quicker than trying to chop them with a knife.
I freeze my leftover veggies like Zucchini & Avocados and use them in my smoothies for breakfast the next morning! It's healthy and makes my smoothies nice and thick and creamy!
If I want my fruit (Banana's, nectarines, avos etc) to ripen faster, I always bunch them together inside a brown paper bag and scrunch the opening shut! Apparently the natural gasses from fruit get trapped and ripen faster! Works every time!
Guys, Hello Fresh has absolutely saved my LIFE since ordering my weekly boxes every week for just over a year now. Not only do you get to choose from a variety of lunch and dinner options each week which keeps meal-time interesting, but every meal is healthy, nutritionally balanced and are super simple to cook (yep, you get your very own menu instructions for each meal!) I also have an epic discount code for you GFs! Feel free to use the code LOVEGEORGIE for 40% off your first box!
Happy cooking!
Love always,
G x