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Here's what to do this 8/8

Hi my loves, 

Have you been feeling like a huge shift is on the horizon lately? It might be because we are currently in one of the most potent times of the year for spiritual growth and transformation - the Lions Gate Portal. Every year from around July 26th to August 12th, the universe opens a gateway of intense energy, which peaks on August 8th (8/8). Channelling this energy can help propel you to manifest and call in some incredible transformations and desires. 

What is the Lions Gate Portal? 

This is a cosmic alignment where the Earth, the star Sirius, and the Sun in Leo come into a powerful alignment. It creates a surge of high-frequency energy that can help us manifest our dreams, set clear intentions and activate our higher consciousness. Think of it almost like a cosmic New Year, a time to rest, reset and charge your spiritual batteries.  

Here are some of my favourite ways to step into this energy: 

    1. Meditation and Visualisation: Find a quiet space and spend time meditating and visualising your future. What do you want to call in? We are dropping a special Lions Gate Meditation on the poddy on the 8/8 which you will be able to find here. 
    2. Set Intentions: Write down what you want to manifest in your life. Be specific and feel the emotions associated with achieving these goals. The energy of the Lions Gate Portal amplifies our intentions, so dream big!
    3. Crystals: Use crystals like Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, and Sunstone, which resonate with the energy of the Sun and the Lions Gate Portal. Carry them with you, meditate with them, or place them in your living space to enhance your connection to this powerful energy.
    4. Grounding Practices: Spend time in nature, walk barefoot on the earth, or practice grounding yoga poses. This helps to balance the intense energy and keeps you centred.
    5. Journaling: Spend some time connecting with yourself and journal on your desires and what you wish to manifest and transform in your life. Consider even writing a letter to yourself to open next portal. Here are some of my favourite prompts: 
      • What intentions do I want to set for the upcoming year
      • How can I align my daily actions with my highest goals and aspirations?
      • What old patterns or beliefs am I ready to release during this Lions Gate Portal?
      • In what ways can I cultivate more self-love and acceptance?
      • What steps can I take to deepen my spiritual practice and connection?
      • How can I invite more abundance and prosperity into my life?
      • What inner strengths have I discovered over the past year, and how can I build on them?
      • Who or what in my life am I grateful for, and why?
      • What is my vision for my ideal future, and how can I start manifesting it now?
      • How can I better trust the universe and surrender to the flow of life?

The Lions Gate Portal is all about transformation, so embrace the process and trust that the universe is supporting you. Don’t second guess your intuition this time and really follow whatever your gut is telling you. 

Lions Gate is the perfect time to connect with your higher self, set powerful intentions and welcome the abundance the universe has in store for you. 

I can’t wait to hear what you manifest during this time!

Love always,

G xx 

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