Hey Girlfriend
So you know your girl constantly has a million things going on at once, and often I get asked how I stay productive and get sh** done.
I’d love to say I have all the answers and every minute of my day is as productive as possible, but the reality is, no one is perfect 100% of the time…
So my first tip is, don’t put so much pressure on yourself, sometimes you have to have a break, sometimes you won’t get it right, and that’s okay too.
In saying that, I do like to think I’ve got some good systems and structures in place to help me be my most productive self.
So what are my top tips to being my most productive self?
1. Do the hardest thing first
This one has been huge for my productivity, because once you knock off your hardest task, you can go on and complete the rest with ease and flow. You also feel a massive amount of relief when the hardest thing is done. Trust me on this one, it just works!
2. Write it all down so you can tick it off
This is one of my favourite ones. I love a to-do list and the sense of accomplishment you feel when you cross something you’ve done off. I mean, who doesn’t love that moment!? If you are looking for the perfect to-do list, you can shop my R&C notepads here.
3. Remember your why
Before you reach for your phone, or think ‘ahhh i’ll start in 5 minutes’, I want you to remember your why. This is huge for me, I know what I want and I know what I have to do to get there, so if I sit and procrastinate, I won’t get there. Remember your why & get SH*T DONE!
4. Take breaks & give yourself ‘phone time’
It’s important to give yourself breaks and ‘phone time.’ I find this helps me to not just mindlessly scroll but to be intentional with my breaks and what I am doing. It does wonders for my productivity. I also have a time cude where I give myself time blocks per task.
5. Rewards
This one is my fave one because who doesn’t love a good reward. It could be as simple as a beach walk with my doggies at the end of the day, or a self-care bath. Knowing I have something to look forward to at the end of the day makes being productive all the more worth it. It’s important to celebrate your wins, big or small.
6. Structure
This one is huge, especially for my #WFH gang. Structure is everything when it comes to productivity. I know when I first started working from home I thought I’d have all this extra time, but in reality, I ended up doing less because I lacked structure. Once I put some structure in place, had dedicated work hours, a dedicated work space and dedicated lunch breaks, I really started killing the productivity game.
7. Block time
Similar to above, I love to block time. You guys may have seen an example of how I do this, I dive deeper into it in my work from home blog, you can check that out here.
8. Small achievable goals
Don’t overwhelm yourself with unachievable or HUGE goals. It will increase your stress levels and you’ll probably go, F**k it. Break your goals down into smaller ones and watch your productivity sky rocket GF.
Love always,
G xx