Craving a hearty beef lasagne but don’t love feeling bloated afterwards? For me personally, consuming a high amount of pasta always makes me feel bloated afterwards. So, even though I love these foods, sometimes I prefer to skip the bloat... But that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice the taste of some of your favourite comfort foods! For example, this is one of my all time favourite healthy lasagne recipes… and it doesn’t even have pasta in it! It tastes just as good as the real deal. I made this particular recipe during my wed shred YouTube series, so you can watch it here!
Here’s what you need:
2 zucchinis
red capsicum
500g beef mince
1 clove garlic
70ml pasta sauce (no added sugar)
Ricotta cheese
Shredded cheese of choice for topping
How to:
Peel 1 or 2 zucchinis (depending on how many people you are feeding) lengthways and leave. shaved zucchini to dry on paper towel.
Chop capsicum into small pieces (or any vegetable of choice).
Add 1 tbsp of garlic into a heated pan.
Add in 500g beef mince and cook until brown.
Add in capsicum and 70ml of pasta sauce (make sure it has no added sugar).
Simmer for 6 minutes on low heat.
Layer a baking dish with mince, then shaved zucchini, then ricotta cheese. Sprinkle tasty cheese & layer again until full. Sprinkle tasty cheese on top to finish.
Cover with foil and bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees (fan forced).
Take off foil and bank for another 15 minutes.
If needed, cheese put dish under a grill until cheese top has browned.
Loved this? There’s plenty more where that came from! My eBook titled “Find Your Healthy: Beginners Guide to Intuitive Eating + Healthy Living Recipes” is packed with over 30 healthy recipes and alternatives to all your FAVOURITE foods.
Think along the lines of chocolate mouse, cheesecake, pancakes, potato bake, nachos! Drool!
Get Find Your Healthy here!