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Healthy Hacks For Busy People

So 2017 I started my graduate full time job. previously to that I had been studying for 6 years with flexible casual/part time type jobs. 

I was working from 7.30 am-5 pm (sometimes later depending on how busy we were) so to say going full time was an actual shock to me would be an understatement. I thought i was an organised person but the biggest challenge was going from working on my own time to having to work in with someone else's schedule. I constantly felt like there was not enough hours in the day especially to stay on track with my health and fitness goals. Slowly I started implementing small changes into my routine/lifestyle to handle my time more efficiently... 

9 healthy hacks for busy people:

1. Plan your week ahead of time

On a Sunday night I like to plan my week ahead including any appointments, gym sessions, grocery shopping and time with friends. This gets me into a good mindset to start the week and helps me schedule in my priorities for that week.

2. Get your workout done in the morning

Personally if i leave my workout until the afternoon, I never have the motivation to actually do it and/or something comes up and I have to work late. This is why I always do my workouts in the morning. It gets them over with, I don't have time to not feel motivated and it puts me in a great mood to start the day!

3. Get active during the day - slow active periods through out the day

So this healthy hack came about when i bought my first fitness watch. I considered myself a super active person but after wearing this watch for a week I realised that I was active for roughly 40 mins (my workout) but then the rest of the day I was mostly sitting down - so my watch considered me a "low active" person. Feeling attacked from this HAHA I decided each day I was going to get in at least 10,000 steps (I was only doing half that). At any opportunity I would take the option to walk - I would walk to the next bus stop, at work I would offer to deliver anything, I would take my puppies for a quick walk. Slowly my watch now considered me a "moderate active" person and I was happy - I also noticed how many calories I would burn by just adding in those short periods of extra activity!

4. Quality/Quality

If you don’t have alot of time that is OHK. Just make sure you have quality workouts instead of just trying to get in as many as possible.

5. Get groceries delivered

Save time and order your groceries online and have them delivered. This saves you having to go to the groceries store and also buying extra things you see that you really do not need!

5. Prep 2 dinners = Lunch sorted

I don't like the taste of frozen food so I don't do a weekly prep on Sunday night like others. As I am already making dinner I just make an extra serving and save it for lunch the next day! This way I know I am eating something healthy but also not eating the same things every single day!

7. Take your rest day during the week (when your not treating yourself)

My logical here - on the weekend I am not as strict with my eating (treating myself) and therefore have more energy. So i choose to have my rest day during the week (usually Thursday I am feeling burnt out) and have it on the weekend when I have more energy (from extra food) and more time!

8. Sweat date

Combine your workout and seeing your best bud in one = save time, get active and have someone to push you!

9. Super Productive Sunday (SPS)

So I always try to have a SPS where I get my shit sorted for the week. So what I do is take half of the Sunday (morning or afternoon) and get stuff done - life admin, washing, workout, cleaning, studying etc. This sets the whole tone for the week and find having the little things done saves me so much more time during the week! 

If you cannot be bothered reading the above, here is a video - your welcome!

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