Mmmm… there’s really nothing quite like being delivered a warm cup of coffee in bed before you get up and tackle your busy day. Or perhaps it’s a Sunday and you need your morning coffee next to a big stack of pancakes… or it’s a Tuesday night and your boss sent you a bunch of emails that have to be taken care of before your big mid-week meeting. Basically, coffee is great for every occasion.
But have you ever heard the phrase “coffee is bad for you”.
I have, and that didn’t stop me drinking copious amounts of it. Why? Well, because I didn’t understand what was so bad about it… and because it helped me get through a grueling law degree…
However, throughout the evolution of my health journey I realised that the issue with coffee isn’t actually the coffee itself, but instead the way we drink our coffee. You know what I’m talking about, the little teaspoon of sugar here and there, milk, cream and various syrups and sweeteners that come along with ordering your double shot iced mocha frappe. All of these small additions turn our innocent little pick me up coffee into an addictive, sugar filled super drink. In my opinion, coffee itself is not “bad” for you, provided you drink it in moderation (meaning not 3-6 cups a day. Yes.. I’m looking at you!). Some studies even suggest that a cup of coffee a day is healthy! But it’s the additives, secret sweeteners and excessive consumption that give coffee a bad name.
What does coffee actually do?
Coffee is derived from coffee beans and can be found in the most remote parts of the world, with every bean having its signature taste! But coffee doesn’t just taste good, coffee also contains a huge source of caffeine. Did you ever wonder why coffee keeps you awake or alert? That’s because caffeine is essentially a nervous system stimulant that reaches right to the most remote corners of our brain, hence why we feel so alert after drinking it.
You’re probably wondering what the fuss is all about, because it doesn’t seem so bad, does it? Nevertheless, I have put together a trusty list of researched material to give you a low down on the BENEFITS and DRAWBACKS of coffee consumption. You’re welcome!
So, what are the benefits of drinking coffee?
Studies have shown that there are definitely benefits to drinking caffeinated drinks such as coffee, for example:
It tastes like a warm hug in a mug (duh).
It can increase your energy levels due to being a brain stimulant.
It can increase productivity.
It can increase your metabolism & facilitate fat burning.
It contains nutrients such as B2, B13, Magnesium, B5 vitamins.
What are the drawbacks?
It’s consumption can be dangerous for an already stressed out body, as it raises your cortisol and adrenaline levels.
Too much coffee can have major impact on liver and digestive function.
Coffee stains your teeth!
It can cause insomnia and other sleep disruptions, as well as hormone issues.
In large amounts of coffee can also worsen anxiety, cause headaches and irregular heart function.
It can be addictive!
So, we can all agree that a cup of coffee a day may be beneficial. However, if you’re an avid coffee connoisseur who needs more than one cup a day to function… You might need to reconsider your options! Wondering what the heck you can do to break your unhealthy caffeine habits? I know this isn’t an easy one to break, but don’t worry, I’ve already taken care of that for you!
Here are My Top Tips for Breaking Your Unhealthy Caffeine Habits:
Start your day with a warm lemon water before you have any coffee.
Drink your coffee before noon! (I drink mine around 9am).
Skip the afternoon coffee… it sticks around in your system and makes it difficult to sleep.
Craving another cup? Try a cup of chai tea with almond milk. Or perhaps a green juice or homemade chai latte.
If you’re craving a pick me up, try having something nutritious and sweet (my Salted Caramel Cups will do the trick!).
Ensure you’re eating enough protein and high fats at each meal to keep your blood sugar balanced.
Give up refined sugar! It leads to caffeine cravings.
Make sleep a priority. When you’re well rested you won’t crave caffeine to get you going.
Now for the rough stuff…. Withdrawals. Yes, you will most likely experience caffeine withdrawals if you’re an excessive coffee drinker. I’ve been there myself, and I’ve experienced everything from headaches right down to fatigue. It sucks, but here are some things you can do to get through it in one piece!
Want to know my tops for coping with caffeine withdrawals?
Firstly, be patient! It can take around 3 or so days for the withdrawals symptoms to noticeably reduce.
Drink LOTS of water (2L or more a day). If you struggle drinking water, try adding a lemon wedge or some fresh mint for added flavour.
Try an epsom salt bath!
Rest as much as you can and take 10-20 deep belly breaths, 2-3 times a day.
Find a healthy sweet treat to satisfy the craving. I have plenty of those in my upcoming eBook!
OK, everyone, say it with me… “Coffee is good for me in moderation”! That’s the biggest lesson I want you to get from this blog post. I truly believe that most things are good for you in moderation, and coffee is no exception. However, I do recommend minimising the “extras” you add to your coffee… if you can, keep it black or keep it simple with a dash add almond milk! And finally, try to keep your coffee consumption to before noon (lunch time)!
Love always,
G x