Episode 69 features meditation teacher and co-founder of Mindspo, Rochelle Fox.
Meditation became the solace that saved her life, freeing her from years of PTSD, depression and anxiety. And after experiencing the powerful benefits of the practice herself, she felt called to share it, and now creates amazing online meditation courses and retreats in her Mindspo mansion in Bali!
In our chat, we get down to all things meditation (with plenty of practical tips!), and how Rochelle created her #dreamlife with the power of manifestation. She also opens up about her journey to self-love and shares refreshing perspectives that will help you break free from limiting beliefs. I hope you love this one as much as I do! x
You can find Rochelle on Instagram and her Mindspo website here.
You can find her Mindspo Method Meditation course here
You can find her ‘Enough’ Self-Love course here
And her Minspo retreats here.
Use RISEANDMEDITATE for 20% off!
Mindspo also offers free courses like the 10 Day Self-Love Challenge and Free Mindspo Masterclass (intro to meditation).
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