Today’s episode is a replay interview I did with the Healthy Hustlers Podcast. Madelyn Carafa & Tegan Martin came to my house and we did the interview in person, as you can tell in the interview we hit it off and I felt like I instantly connected with these two amazing women. In the episode, we chat about my hold grail health habits, my night time routine, my transition from corporate life to owning my biz, how I stayed healthy while working full time and doing my side hustle + so much more. Please make sure you check out The Healthy Hustlers Podcast and follow them on Instagram @thehealthyhustlers.
Follow Georgie: https://www.instagram.com/georgiestevenson/
Georgie’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs92TaW0BDx3yy4WTu1zo1Q
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