This week's podcast is a solo episode where I share a snapshot of my health journey. From one extreme to the next and how I took back control of my health. I then read out an exert from my ebook 'Find Your Healthy: A Beginners Guide to Intuitive Eating + Healthy Living Recipes' which explains intuitive eating and the first step to start taking back control.
Start your intuitive eating journey with my ebook ‘Find your Healthy’ & use ‘Riseandconquer’ for 20% off at checkout (only AU$20)
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Where my health journey started: “I didn’t have a lot of drive and motivation…” 6:15
My dieting reality… “I’ve tried them all, and I’ve failed them all” 6:45
The vicious cycle: When I lost the weight, I was getting a lot of positive feedback… 7:35
“It would get to thursday, and I would be so exhausted…” 8:25
Losing my sex drive, losing my period and mood swing central... 9:10
Health and fitness was my number 1 priority 11:05
Good food VS bad food mentality: Why I stopped using food to manipulate my body 12:45
Reading: Excerpt from my Find Your Healthy eBook 17:38
So, what is intuitive eating? 24:20
How do we ditch diet culture? 28:44
Follow Georgie: https://www.instagram.com/georgiestevenson/
Georgie’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs92TaW0BDx3yy4WTu1zo1Q
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