This episode is a replay episode from an interview I did on the Confessions of a Twenty-Something Train Wrek Podcast with Phoebe Parsons. We chat about our healthy journeys, some of the 'healthy' habits we picked up that didn't actually serve us & go into how we found #balance. This is entertaining but a real conversation about conquering diet-culture.
This weeks sponsored by my ebook ‘Find your Healthy’. This ebook is a beginners guid to intuitive eating + healthy living recipes! Start your intuitive eating journey with my ebook ‘Find your Healthy’ & use ‘Riseandconquer’ for 20% off at checkout (only AU$20)
Follow @twentysomethingtrainwreck on instagram.
listen to Phoebe's podcast 'Confession's of a Twenty-Something Train Wreck'
Follow Georgie: https://www.instagram.com/georgiestevenson/
Georgie’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs92TaW0BDx3yy4WTu1zo1Q
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