Katherine Maslen is a naturopath, nutritionist, best selling author of Get Well Stay Well and Renegade for health. After completing two Bachelor degrees in Health Science, she has been helping people achieve good health for over 12 years.
Eight years ago, Katherine founded Brisbane Natural Health - Australia's first membership based holistic health clinic where she works with her team to help patients navigate their healing journey so they can live a life that they love.
In 2019, Katherine will be launching her audio documentary The Shift so she can share her knowledge and experience with a wider audience. The Shift is the first of it's kind; a carefully curated audio-documentary on gut health, that cuts through the murk of misinformation and gives listeners the absolute facts from some of the worlds most reputable global experts on gut health.
Today we are chatting about all things gut health as Katherine has SO much knowledge on this topic + we also chat about how to deal with stress & look after your adrenals, women’s wellness & natural fertility, also what to do after a you have a miscarriage + everyday superfoods to include in your diet! This episode was so so informative and I loved having this chat!
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The Shift: Katherine chats about her upcoming release of her auto-documentary called The Shift; a 12 week episode series on gut health! 2:48
Who is katherine? Well, she’s a clinical naturopathy expert... 3:41
Let’s talk stress: “stress drives our hormones, our mood, gut health, energy, sleep….” 5:32
What happens in our body when we are under stress? Different “versions” of stress? 6:33
“Ultimately, what stress is for, is to help us cope…” Cortisol levels, fight or flight mode & more 7:30
Does stress affect our menstrual cycle? The common assumptions 9:04
Being aware and mindful about stress: “We glorify stress and busyness… are you trying to create that for yourself?” 10:15
“Creating space is something that you need for stress” 12:00
Natural fertility chats: “To your body, reproducing is the least important thing” 15:25
“The reason we can have so many issues…. is because we are inundated with things that keep out body out of optimum health…” 15:55
Toxicity in the body… are chemicals disrupting our body? 16:22
Are you at high risk of a miscarriage? How do we improve our egg and sperm health? 20:30
“2 cups of coffee can be enough to increase your miscarriage risk…” 22:00
Breakthroughs in gut health 29:45
Gut brain connection… “we stop producing acid (that breaks down food) when we are stressed…” 31:41
Gluten: “as bad as sugar, if not worse” 35.00
How to treat an unhealthy gut: Cutting out wheat and dairy, thinking about the root cause & more 49.50
“You should be eating 50 to 100 different plants every week… a blend of nuts, seeds, rice, veggies and more” 56:22
Links: https://www.theshiftclinic.com/gut/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katherinemaslen/
Follow Georgie: https://www.instagram.com/georgiestevenson/
Georgie’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs92TaW0BDx3yy4WTu1zo1Q
Follow the show: https://www.instagram.com/riseandconquer.podcast/
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