Amy Rushworth is a leading Confidence Coach & Transformational Mentor. She is on a big mission to support women in igniting their confidence, firing up their self worth and stepping into their full, feminine power. Certified as a life coach, holistic health coach and Transformational mentor, Amy has helped hundreds of women globally to reinvent their confidence and manifest magic in their lives.
Today we chat about confidence and go into why it is so important for women and how we can harness it. How to stop comparing ourselves to others. We chat about limiting beliefs and how we can conquer these. We also speak about how to get back up after a massive life event that brought us down such as a break-up or a loss.
I felt so inspired after this chat and I am sure you will too!
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Podcast: The Amy Rushworth Show
Who is Amy? Confidence coach, transformational mentor & your favourite confidant 4:22
“My confidence was in crisis”… PTSD, panic attacks, and a “really high functioning mess” 6:30
“It was my physical health shutting down, and it became the catalyst to change my life” 7:25
“My soul was dehydrated…” 8:40
Confidence is an inner energy. “It’s not just being extroverted...” 9:33
Comparison: How do we stop comparing ourselves with others? 15:15
“...in doing that, we negate all of our strengths” 16:40
Focusing on your strengths: Owning your sparkle? 20:20
“I always compliment them on the thing I am comparing myself on, because I admire it” 23:31
Limiting beliefs 101: “I am not good enough” and more negative beliefs you’re telling yourself! 25:00
Self awareness, clarity and listening to you inner critic 30:14
“You deserve to have a belief that empowers you” 33:49
Let’s look at our periods. “The week of your period is the week of your intuition” 36:15
Amy’s tip: Write down what your three wins are for the day! 48:23
“....Always start with your values, and the person you want to become” 41:48
How can YOU feel more powerful? Did someone say dancing?? 53:15
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